Guest Blog | Dell Technologies Data, data everywhere and not a drop to drink. Study reveals businesses are struggling to reconcile conflicting data realities caused by overwhelmed technology, people, and processes. In 2016, Dell Technologies commissioned our first Digital Transformation Index (DT Index) study to assess the digital maturity of businesses around the globe. We have since commissioned the study biennially to track businesses’ digital maturity. Our third installment of the DT Index, launched in 2020 (the year of the pandemic), revealed that “data overload/unable to extract insights from data” was the third highest ranking barrier to transformation, up from 11th place in 2016. That is a huge jump from the bottom to close to the top of the ranking of barriers to digital transformation. These findings point to a curious paradox–data has the potential to become businesses’ number one barrier to transformation while also being their greatest asset. To learn more about why this paradox exists and where businesses need the most help, we commissioned a study with Forrester Consulting to dig deeper. The resulting study, based on a survey with 4,036 senior decision-makers with responsibility for their companies’ data strategy, titled: Unveiling Data Challenges Afflicting Businesses Around the World, is available to read now. Candidly, the study confirms our concerns: in this data decade, data has become both a burden and an advantage for many businesses–which one depends on how data-ready the business might be. While Forrester identifies several data paradoxes hindering businesses today, three major contradictions stood out for me. 1. The Perception Paradox Two-thirds of respondents would say their business is data-driven and state “data is the lifeblood of their organization.” But only 21% say they treat data as capital and prioritize its use across the business today. Clearly, there’s a disconnect here. To provide some clarity, Forrester created an objective measure of businesses’ data readiness. 2. The “Want More Than They Can Handle” Paradox The research also shows that businesses need more data, but they have too much data to handle right now: 70 percent say they are gathering data faster than they can analyze and use, yet 67 percent say they constantly need more data than their current capabilities provide. While this is a paradox, it’s not all that surprising when you consider the research holistically, such as the proportion of companies that are yet to secure data advocacy at a Boardroom level and fall back to an IT strategy that can’t scale (i.e., bolting on more data lakes). The implications of this paradox are profound and far-reaching. Six in 10 businesses are battling with data silos; 64 percent of respondents complain they have such a glut of data they can’t meet security and compliance requirements, and 61 percent say their teams are already overwhelmed by the data they have. 3. The “Seeing Without Doing” Paradox While economies have suffered during the pandemic, the on-demand sector has expanded rapidly, igniting a new wave of data-first, data-anywhere businesses that pay for what they use and only use what they need–determined by the data that they generate and analyze. Although these businesses are emerging, and doing very well, they’re still relatively small in number. Only 20 percent of businesses have moved the majority of their applications and infrastructure to an as-a-service model–even though more than 6 in 10 believe an as-a-service model would enable firms to be more agile, scale, and provision applications without complexity. Achieving breakthrough together The research is sobering, but there is hope on the horizon. Businesses are looking to revise their data strategies with a multi-cloud environment, by moving to a data-as-a-service model and automating data processes with machine learning. Granted, they have a lot to do to prime the pumps for a proliferation of data. Still, there is a path forward, by firstly modernizing their IT infrastructure so they can meet data where it lives, at the edge. This incorporates bringing businesses’ infrastructure and applications closer to where data needs to be captured, analyzed, and acted on–while avoiding data sprawl, by maintaining a consistent multi-cloud operating model. Secondly, by optimizing data pipelines, so data can flow freely and securely while being augmented by AI/ML; and thirdly, by developing software to deliver the personalized, integrated experiences customers crave. The staggering volume, variety and velocity of data may seem overpowering but with the right technology, processes and culture, businesses can tame the data beast, innovate with it, and create new value. | Sam Grocott For more information, visit The Data Paradox page and to learn more about the solutions and services that can help your organization break through the data paradox. For even more information and to get in contact with Dell Technologies, feel free to reach out to Steven Shipe, ORLA’s dedicated point of contact and account manager via email at [email protected] or visit for program discounts. Sam Grocott is the Senior Vice President of Business Unit Marketing for Dell Technologies. This guest blog was submitted by Dell Technologies. For more information on guest blog opportunities, contact Marla McColly, Business Development Director, Oregon Restaurant & Lodging Association.
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September 2024